Writing for Myself

20 December,2021

sometimes i feel the word kindness is quite complicated, i mean the word kindness is now days is mainly associated with helping others and for some people it's more important to post there kind deeds on their Instagram feed or story and honestly i don't have any issue with that. But i never understand why people do that maybe to gain more followers because now days number of followers = more likes = happiness well that's another very topic to discuss but for now lets just think about this word kind. If you just see that these 4 letter word L-O-V-E and K-I-N-D. are the most powerful spell  in this world and yet many people don't use that often, now you must  be thinking that i have gone nuts that i am saying that people are not kind to other people or don't love other. What i am saying is that people are not kind to themselves most of the time. The first aspect of kindness is to be kind oneself and many of us are'nt kind to ourselves. We don't do things we want to, we can't even laugh the way we want because we all are scared all the time, we are scared that if i don't do things in a certain way we will not fit in and then we start thinking low of ourselves and then we start questioning universe that why i am unhappy. If i say about myself i am scared right now while writing this blog and one thing that's hiting my head again and again like a bommerang is what if what i am writing now is it good enough? and what if it's bad what they will think about. but i am still writing it because i know one is going to read this so nobody will going to say anything.  and if any chance somebody read it find it insanely awful i know i am gonna feel sad and maybe i stop writing for few days again because from past  three i am just writing and deleting the blogs. but this time i will not stop writing because this time i am not writing for people but for myself and because i have nothing do and for me this blog is perfect and don't expect anyone to read this. And to be very honest right now i feeling quite good because i a not holding back and taking a little step being kind to myself. and i will stop here because i have to watch modern family now.